"Seeing Is Believing" / John 20:1-9 / Jim Rosenquist ##Notice - Sermon is cut short at 15:22

1. See verses 1-2. If Jesus could pass through walls (v5) and closed doors (v19), then why was the stone rolled away from the grave entrance?

2. Jesus told the disciples that he would rise from the dead on the third day (Matthew 17:22), yet no one expected Jesus to be resurrected. What did Mary Magdalene conclude? Why was everyone initially doubtful about the resurrection?

3. Refer to verses 3-8. What did John initially see in the tomb from the outside? Once inside what additional observations did he make? What else did he see? What convinced John, without seeing Jesus alive, that his resurrection had occurred?

4. Based on this evidence, why is the possibility of a body snatching eliminated? Of tomb robbers? Of a wrong tomb location? Of Jesus recovering from the crucifixion and walking out?

5. We can’t see the empty grave or the risen Christ. What evidences for the resurrection do we see?