"Getting the Last Word" / Luke 19:36-39, John 19:17-30 /Jim Rosenquist

1. Why do we like to get the last word in an argument?

2. See Luke 19:36-39. Why are the people celebrating Jesus’ arrival? Why do the pharisees object? What did they demand of Jesus? How does Jesus reply? Why?

3. Refer to John 19:16-22. Why was Jesus executed? There were two trials, two charges and two verdicts; what were they? Why do the gospels tell us so little about crucifixion? How was Jesus’ crucifixion unique?

4. Refer to John 19: 28-30. At the conclusion of the crucifixion Jesus utters his last words; what were they? What does it mean? How are we tempted to add something to Jesus’ last words with our own? Why is it so hard to let God have the last word?